Woodlin Elementary School Replacement

Montgomery County Public Schools

Location Silver Spring, Maryland

Design Collective was selected by Montgomery County Schools to provide design and construction services for the replacement of Woodlin Elementary School. The existing school will be replaced with a new 21st century school for grades PreK-5th and be approximately 90,000sf. The new design will be a compact, efficient floor plan which takes advantage of the site topology and allows adequate outdoor play and learning spaces. A new bus loop will be provided at the school to alleviate traffic in the residential neighborhood in which the school site. An expanded parking lot and drop off area will serve both the school and the country owned daycare center which shares the site. Design will be completed in February of 2022 and construction of the new building will take two years. The students will be housed off site at a swing school for the duration of construction.

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Project Details

Square Footage 90,000


Project Type


Example searches: LEED, interiors, "Design Collective", etc.