Long Reach Village Center Master Plan
Orchard Development
The Long Reach Village Center is located in the heart of Columbia, Maryland, approximately 15 miles southwest of Baltimore City and 30 miles northeast of Washington, D.C.. Consisting of approximately 10 acres, the site was developed in the late 1970s as a hub for local residents, offering a grocer, shops, restaurants, and a variety of other neighborhood serving tenants. With the growth of newer commercial centers nearby, a majority of the Long Reach Village Center experienced disinvestment and high vacancy rates. The Village Center became underutilized, incentivizing the opportunity for Howard County to designate 19+ acres as an Urban Renewal Area.
In collaboration with Orchard Development, Design Collective created a master plan and set of design guidelines for mixed use redevelopment with a wide range of multi-generational residential (both for-sale and rental), office, retail, and civic uses. The overall site design will include walkable streets, a variety of open spaces, interconnected blocks, and high-quality architecture that will create an easily-accessible and desirable community to live, work, and enjoy.
At the heart of the master plan is a large community space that will be a defining element. It will serve as a primary amenity featuring an open lawn, seating, shade trees, and flexible space to facilitate a range of passive and active recreation and community events. Surrounding this green will be an ample selection of neighborhood-serving retail uses and office space. The market pavilion will adjoin the primary park space offering a venue for authentic, fresh foods and an attraction for the community to gather.
Integral to the revitalization, sustainable design practices will ensure the Long Reach Village Center will be a unique and innovative place to live, work, and visit. Energy infrastructure plans anticipate the opportunity to achieve both “net-positive” energy and a LEED Platinum rating. Vertical farming strategies and a state-of-the-art food/tech incubation space will be integrated into the development. The vertical garden will not only provide opportunities to grow food to serve the local community year-round, but will offer a functional space to highlight the importance of sustainable farming, local food sources, and providing fresh, nutritious produce.