Broad Creek
Norfolk City Redevelopment and Housing Authority
Design Collective was engaged by the Community Builders, together with the Norfolk Redevelopment & Housing Authority, to prepare a master plan for the redevelopment of Moton Circle, a former public housing site. As part of the planning and community outreach process, the master plan considered the broader context of Broad Creek, including the East Princess Anne corridor, the new Kroc Center, and redevelopment and/or renovation of three key school sites that have been targeted for sale and redevelopment. The planning process included several community workshops, and input from key city, elected, and area stakeholders. In addition to the Broad Creek master plan, Design Collective provided architectural design services including schematic design, unit designs, and elevations for a variety pf housing options.
Residents of the community outlined their vision, including a new mixed-use Neighborhood Center and village green that would support neighborhood events and gatherings, streetscape and sidewalk improvements along East Princess Anne Road, a greater mix of housing types, and improved street, pedestrian and bicycle connectivity throughout the community.
The Neighborhood Center, envisioned as the signature key placemaking element for the neighborhood, includes a central green space, a new elementary school, library, community center, and mixed-use buildings with first floor retail to provide Broad Creek with an “identifiable center” and place for community gatherings and events. Infill development for old school sites, vacant sites, and underutilized properties will include new streets and blocks, smaller gathering spaces and greens, pedestrian connections, public housing replacement, and new market-rate and mixed income housing – all with the goal of connecting the community to the new